Howdy loyal customers,
We have some great new updates to report and too many to include in a single release or even a few. We have been experiencing some great growth the past few years and in these tough economic times we have decided its time to give a little back. We will be turning more of our marketing funds inwards to increase referrals for a period.
One of the most common mistakes among hosts these days is uncontrolled growth. Which brings us to why you have chosen as your provider with over 10 years experience in this industry. October 2008 marks our 10th complete year in business, past the dot com bombs, past the fly-by-night hosts, past the competition. From our families to yours, thank you all for the success and please let us know how we are doing.
- Cobalt Raq
So without further delay the hosting story of JaguarPC: I started JaguarPC in Alaska as dial-up ISP while working in the active duty Air Force. It was 1998 and I went to a technology expo one cold boring day where I met some people and read a few things that peaked my interests. I bought my first server, a coblat raq, that I still have today and it actually works flawlessly if you can believe that. Of course it just collects dust now as a reminder of where things started.
Uncle Sam sent me off to Arizona after 5 years of Alaska where I spent another 2 years building up JaguarPC. It spent a good many years as a one man show with some occasional hired help before Masood (our current CTO) joined in to help, quickly followed by Les (our COO) . As my time with the Air Force ran out I moved to Texas and with the help of my friends, and we took JaguarPC to the next level. Since then it has grown 1200% and we continue to set the pace for hosting companies everywhere.
I can’t honestly say just how often and how many times either directly from vendors and friends or indirectly through clients and articles, we see other hosts trying to catch up with our innovations. Many of our innovations eventually become an industry standard. If I have one regret (and I don’t) it would only be we didn’t take enough credit for all the positive changes we, JaguarPC, have brought to this industry. Which brings me back to my point, another first, another innovation.
As far as I know, and I have tried to find others but just can’t, we are the only host in history to ever automatically upgrade our clients like we did when we made our last plan changes. We literally locked all the pricing of clients as they were that day, upgraded all the plans, and kept on rolling. Most places require clients to cancel or just give up and go away when new plans come out. In many cases plans and new sales are just meant to attract new clients because in business if you’re not growing you’re dying. I understand that part but what I don’t get is how companies can forget without that client base that continues to stick around and renew services, you would be constantly turning your wheels to replace your losses. As everyone starts to tighten down their spending we’re leading the industry with innovation again as we have done before.
Here’s a glimpse of what’s been done and what’s to come:
– Many new faces in the staff, sales, support, management.
– Several new under and above the hood features designed with one goal, focus on quality assurance.
– New support ticket system, rating and tracking features, and extended coverage with more sys admins
– Entire new ordering system for both our site and existing clients using the client dashboard
– Deployed major new capacity for our DatalockBox service, added to every shared, SDX, reseller, and VPS system we run.
– Expanded backup capacity again to reduce compression levels and increase restore times
– Rewards system launched, earn cash and points for freebies and services
– Improved affilites tracking and reporting
– New user system that allows you to create dashboard users with specific permissions; billing, support, etc
– All new Hybrid server plans, fully managed, packed with resources and features such as free cPanel for under $100.
– All new dedicated server plans now all including free managed services
And the list goes on but I’ll save the details for our newsletters, watch the press!
We’re very grateful for all the loyal clients that have taken me and the 75 souls that work for our company to these heights. We look forward to a banner year in 2009!