For a Reliable and Secure Hosting Environment, Let JaguarPC’s Seasoned Professionals Execute All Windows Updates

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Windows virtual private servers combine the flexibility and accessibility of a shared hosting account with the high-end capabilities offered by dedicated servers. Windows VPS are well-known for their reliability and ease of use, which makes them a preferred choice for applications that require a stable, flexible hosting environment.

The Windows Server operating system is an excellent solution for secure hosting environments, receiving regular patches and updates that protect it against newly discovered security vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, security patches and OS updates should be applied in a controlled manner, by a specialist that can evaluate the potential impact of the changes upon the hosting environment. Managed Windows VPS solutions give customers the peace of mind that all OS updates are executed correctly, ensuring that the VPS hosting service remains stable and secure.

Give operating system updates the attention they deserve with JaguarPC’s managed Windows VPS Hosting

Applying an operating system update to a live managed Windows VPS is not an operation that can be rushed or treated superficially. Regardless if it is a small bug fix or a major service pack, any modification to Windows Server should be planned and executed with caution. Because the operating system is the foundation of the entire web hosting environment, OS updates can have unexpected consequences on the functioning of the managed Windows VPS.

In the worst case scenario, the update can cause the hosted website to stop working correctly or even to become completely unavailable. Complex web applications, such as online stores or content management systems are especially sensitive to changes in the hosting environment. If you run a web application built with ASP.NET, ColdFusion, PHP or other web development technologies, it is highly recommended to let a professional apply all OS updates on your managed VPS server.

The update procedure should include a validation period, when the managed Windows VPS is checked for any potential problems generated by the OS update. If problems are spotted, you can ask for a roll back procedure, which brings the managed VPS server to its initial state.

As an extra precaution, it is recommended to have a professional apply all patches on your Windows managed VPS, including updates for your development frameworks, database servers, and other applications.

JaguarPC has the expertise required to administer your Windows managed VPS

Employing a team of talented professionals, including network administrators, software developers, and support technicians, JaguarPC has the human resources required to keep your Windows managed VPS secure and up to date. By opting for an affordable managed Windows VPS hosting solution from JaguarPC, you gain access to the know-how and expertise of a server administrator that knows the ins and outs of the Window Server OS.

All security updates will be applied on your managed Windows VPS hosting solution in a timely manner, ensuring that your system is properly protected against security threats. JaguarPC will also apply updates for all pre-installed software on your VPS, including IIS, ASP.NET, and other essential applications required to run your site.

To learn more about the managed VPS hosting services offered by JaguarPC or to order a managed Windows VPS hosting plan, call 1-800-659-9585 or visit today.

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