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In case you missed it, here’s a copy of the email we sent all our customers last week:

FREE UPGRADES! Hopefully I have your attention! All VPS clients have been contacted by now and all their accounts upgraded. We have been preparing for over a year to launch very new aggressive plans while boosting support initiatives to keep well ahead of growth. The result is our new plans on reseller plans, vps, and will begin working to move semi-dedicated to a cloud. All existing clients we upgraded to new plans while keeping their previous prices. Taking all VPS accounts to 3000gb bandwidth each, massive RAM increases, and storage increases. The new VPS plans are listed on our site at

All dedicated clients current and new alike now have 10,000GB Bandwidth per server. Enjoy!

We are doing the upgrades to all plans but its a very long and tedious process to do properly. This will span many months and we will keep everyone updated as we complete another set, currently resellers. In the meantime we appreciate the positive reviews around the globe and encourage more use of the affiliate system. 100% of each sell you send! 😉

Thanks again for your loyalty and business!

Please join us in our community forums!


Did you know?
JaguarPC pays out thousands of dollars worth of referral credits each month! Start referring friends, family, co-workers, and your own site visitors by starting your own referral campaign right inside the client dashboard.


To login to the client dashboard please use the following address:

[email protected]

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