How to setup nameservers for reseller in Helm

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In order to setup reseller nameservers in Helm, please follow the steps:-

1) Login to Helm control panel http://ipaddress:8086/

2) To set up the personal name servers, log in as an administrator, go to System Settings” > “Servers”, and click on the server that is hosting the DNS service.

3) Click on the DNS service in the server’s service list. At the bottom of the DNS service editor there will be a list of name servers. There should be the “Default” name server(s) already added from when you first created the service.

4) Click on “Add New” to add the resellers name services. Enter in the relevant information into form and keep “Default name server” unchecked. Click Save to continue.

If you have the primary and secondary DNS service on different machines, you will need to add the secondary name server to the secondary DNS service.

5) To complete personal DNS, go to the resellers account in Helm and click “Account Settings” under their account. Click on “Global Settings” to get a list of their general Helm settings. On this page there is a Personal DNS Mask box. In this box enter the domain name used for the resellers new name servers. For example. If you have set up and then enter “” into the DNS mask.
Click Save to save the changes.

Make sure that the mask and the DNS Service name use the same name, or it won’t work.

Whenever a new domain is now created under this reseller package, Helm will automatically assign these name servers to the domain. You will see them in the Advanced Settings area for the domain.

Enjoy 🙂


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