I can no longer deny it, I’m a geek girl.

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Why? Well, despite the fact that I work at the greatest web hosting company in the world, it’s because I am now an iPhone user.

I’ve held off for years jumping on the cell phone gadget bandwagon. The closest I’ve ever been to having anything that was “latest and greatest” in the cell phone world is picking up a new Motorola Razr two years after the first Razr came out (or getting my iPod as a gift several years after MP3 players became all the rave). Even then, I didn’t have a text message plan. I saw no need to text people when I could just call them.

That all changed last month when our oldest went and moved two states away after graduation. My husband made the case that it would be easier to communicate with her if we had some sort of texting plan. OK Fine. We started out with a little $5.00 – 200-texts-a-month plan. EXCEPT: I soon discovered they would use that up in the first week! I quickly changed it to an unlimited plan. Once the family got word we had the much coveted Unlimited Texting ability, miraculously one of my kids sent and received 150 texts the FIRST DAY we had the plan. I didn’t even know that was possible.

It took me a bit longer to catch on to the texting bug. I found it difficult to tap out texts to my kids or husband on my little Razr. Then I got my hands on my friend’s iPhone. He bought one last year when they first came out and I’ve always been intrigued by it. I found out texting on it is a breeze. The more I messed around with my friend’s iPhone, the more I wanted one.

On July 11, 2008, the day of the iPhone G3 launch, I became an iPhone user. And I’m loving every minute of it. I’ve become almost as bad as my children finding reasons to text family members and friends, and if I could talk my boss into getting some sort of text plan, I’d probably find reasons to text him too! (*cough hint hint *cough)

My favorite features so far:

  • The built-in GPS. This is going to prove exceptionally useful for my forever navigationally challenged husband.
  • The iPod. I no longer have to carry around my iPod and my phone. I now have both in one little gadget.
  • It’s super easy to text with the qwerty keyboard.
  • The ease of downloading and installing apps from the App store.. For example, Twitter; I love my twitter and now I can get updates super easy on my phone. I even downloaded an application that allows me to control iTunes on my computer from my phone.
  • Internet and eMail access on the go from anywhere I have a signal, which so far has been everywhere.

Do you have an iPhone? If not, why? If so, what are your favorite features?

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