It’s important to backup

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This is something that all know, but may not always think about, especially if they run a blog or a small website: backups are important, and you can never have too many.

Although your site may automatically be backed up if you’re on a shared account, and although you may have a script that automatically backs your site up and stores it elsewhere on your server, you need redundancy. So, it’s important to back your site up manually several times a week.

Servers fail, and anything can happen. If you have a “local backup”, or a complete copy of your site or blog (including backups of SQL databases), then you have one extra weapon in your arsenal to prevent a total loss of your site.

Suppose that you run a blog, or use a blog platform as a content management system. This means that your site is stored in an SQL database, and as such, it could be a rather large database.

If you need to completely reinstall your website, it will be a big task, because you can only upload SQL databases that are up to 2 MB, right? Wrong. Using a program such as Big Dump, you can upload your entire database, whether it is your site, blog, or message boards, all in one pass. This makes recovering your website quicker and easier than if you had to split your database manually, and upload several passes.

The key thing to remember is that in addition to whatever manual processes you have in place, it’s imperative that you manually back up your site several times a week. By doing this, you ensure that your site or blog doesn’t skip a beat.

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