JaguarPC Announces our Pinterest Contest Winners

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The JaguarPC “What’s in your Drawer?” contest was very popular and many of you enjoyed some easy summer fun by submitting your photos and participating in the contest. Many commented, liked, Google+1’ed, tweeted and pinned the contest entries and boards at our JaguarPC Pinterest page. If you haven’t followed the contest you can read about the details on our JaguarPC forum and on the blog post which announced the JaguarPC Pinterest “What’s in your Drawer?” contest.

The winner of the contest is Gus Camparnario who submitted his wire ball drawer photo. Everyone knows that most all of us have “that drawer”. Many of us also confirmed that we all have those cords, wires, assorted plug and electrical accessory drawers. Gus’s wire drawer entry was apparently the one that everyone related to the best. Congratulations Gus. Stop by our JaguarPC Pinterest board and congratulate Gus on his winning of the $250 Amazon gift card prize.

The contest also had a $100 gift card random prize. All of you that participated in the contest by liking, pinning, sharing and using other social media sources to participate were placed in a random selector program.  Brianne Armstrong came up as the winner with her like on the drawer entry with the batteries. It was a powerful like which won Brianne the prize. Stop by the battery drawer pin and congratulate Brianne on her win as well.
Congratulations on your win Brianne.

Thanks to all of you who participated in the contest. Keep visiting our blog, forum and our Pinterest page as well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts. JaguarPC is always interested in engaging others and learning more about what you would like see from us. Thank you again for your participation.


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