Has your business reached the clouds yet? Countless business professionals use cloud servers in their daily home or work life. This advanced technology offers various benefits, including:
• Constant data accessibility
• Zero down time
• Continued information distribution
• Scalability of resources
• Dynamic provisioning
Cloud Safety
Despite the many benefits offered by cloud technology, it also poses certain security risks coupled with cloud backup. You are not alone to be hesitant in adopting cloud solutions. At JaguarPC, we know when it comes to security, the importance of control over your cloud infrastructure is crucial.
Security Features
JaguarPC webhosting experts say it is vital to make sure a cloud system uses strong data security features. Your cloud system must be designed to utilize antivirus programs, encryption controls and other features that help protect data. Cloud servers must also use the right security controls to ensure that all data moves back and forth as needed without the risk of others gaining access into the data. A firewall may be added to a cloud server in most cases.
Backup Availability
The backup setup that your cloud computing system uses must also be checked. The enterprise backup solution can be set up directly on the cloud server – but you may have to do it manually. You may want to use your own server or something similar to a portable hard drive or a secondary cloud server. There’s no guarantee that your cloud computing system will have a backup support system, so this will likely be your responsibility.
Regular Testing
At JaguarPC, we strongly recommend testing your cloud on a regular basis. Testing might sound like a minor issue, but it can make a major difference. In particular, you need to test your cloud to see how well it is performing in conjunction with its security setup. Ethical hackers can be hired to test the security of your cloud system.
Data Access
We advise businesses to use many data access accounts and permissions as possible. If every bit of data in your cloud computing system was accessible to everyone in your business, then it would be rather easy for your data to be distributed or even stolen. Therefore, have your system work with several data access accounts at the same time, which can include individual accounts that have their own sets of permissions.