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Well Ive been out of the office and busy a bee the last few days. This time there is no silly software or service announcement, no its much greater than that. On monday apr 24th, at 5:08pm we welcomed a new member to our family. Anna Reese Landis was born at only 19.5 inches long and 6 lbs 11 onces . She came home yesterday with mom and both are doing very well. She has one sister (Sydnie) and one borther (Greg). Sydnie will be 6yrs old this Aug and Gregory turned 3yrs old this month. We’re trying to soak in all the baby time we can becuase they truly do grow up so fast.

One of the most common first questions people ask is; Is this your first child?  No, shes our 3rd.
Most people pause there becuase apparantly people are planning larger families much more these days. When asked if she will be last most parents reply with  “oh ya!” by the third child but honestly me and my wife could see us with more. Whats weird is with one kid going on two you just cant imagine how you can love another person as much as your child. When your second child is born you learn something very important, love isnt divded among the people you love, its multiplied with each new person. I could see us reaching the 4 or 5 kid mark even. Now our home is happily filled with 3x the love and growing. Welcome home Anna.

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