Hey everyone,Que – How to upgrade Plesk Control Panel ?Ans –
Can be done from node or from vps.
first find out which version are on the node:
vzpkgfind psa
then run
vzpkgadd VPSID psa-rh9/20050810
Which will, in this case, install Plesk reloaded template dated by 2005-08-10. VPSID is id of a vps, and “psa-rh9/20050810” is the plesk template version available on the node.
If you do it from vps, you need do download the .rpm.tar.gz build file and untar it, and then
rpm -Uvh /root/psa/PSA_7.5.4/rpm_RedHat_9/base/*.rpm
and then the same for ../opt directory.
Best Regards,
Shane Bewick