As a way of earning money online or starting your own web hosting business, reseller hosting is a potentially lucrative opportunity. With a good head for business and a commitment to hard work, you could be earning thousands of dollars every month by reselling hosting plans that are supplied by another provider. Reseller hosting offers the opportunity to be your own boss and grow your own business, without the stress and expense of running a data center or network infrastructure. Before you can build your business, however, you will need to decide which type of hosting you want to sell. Almost every type of hosting service is available in a reseller package, giving you a bulk discount that makes it easier to turn a profit. So which type of reseller hosting is best? Virtual private server host JaguarPC has put together the following information about the impressive benefits of choosing VPS reseller hosting to launch your online business. Whether you are just getting started with reseller hosting or you are looking to expand the services you provide, a VPS reseller hosting plan is a desirable product. In addition to the benefits of VPS reseller hosting, learn about the type of customers who order VPS hosting, and how you can increase your revenue by selling additional services.
Offer an attractive product with VPS reseller hosting
When someone goes online to search for hosting services, they are looking for certain key features. Several of these features are the same whether a customer is looking for shared web hosting, VPS hosting, or a dedicated server hosting plan. Almost every web hosting customer is looking for the following features: Reliability – hosting that is always available to visitors Flexibility – hosting that can adapt to changing requirements Usability – hosting that is easy to administer through a browser-based control panel Security – hosting that will keep confidential and mission-critical data protected against malicious attack Control – hosting that can be customized and configured by the customer Each customer requires these things to varying degrees; some may prioritize control, while others are just looking for something quick and easy (usability). VPS hosting is an attractive product because it offers all of the above. A VPS web hosting account is isolated in its own secure container, where it uses its own operating system, such as Windows or Linux. Because each account is isolated, customers can be granted root access that allows them to restart their server and change system services with ease. In addition, these so-called virtual machines can be scaled as necessary, giving your customers the ability to expand their hosting plan along with their business. Finally, a powerful browser-based control panel like cPanel entices potential customers with the promise of VPS hosting that is incredibly easy to use. Managing domain names, working with files, and configuring email is streamlined and automated for customers who want to minimize the time they spend administrating their websites. Of course, some VPS hosting plan customers will have previously used a shared hosting plan. As a result, you can use VPS reseller hosting to provision new accounts, without having to deliver hours of basic technical support.
VPS hosting customers know how to use their hosting plan
Although some businesses may choose VPS hosting as the starting point for their organizations, the majority of VPS web hosting customers have previous experience in shared hosting. They are likely to have used cPanel to work with their website, and the great thing about VPS hosting is that these tasks do not change. VPS hosting attracts a large number of potential customers because it is such an in-demand service. But there is a tendency for VPS customers to be fairly experienced who already know the basics of web hosting. Customers who know how to use their hosting plan save you time on delivering support, and also save you the potential expense of outsourcing technical support services to a third party. For customers who do need some extra help, the best VPS reseller hosting plan sinclude a number of support tickets each month that are forwarded to your hosting provider. Some plans even feature unbranded tutorials and guides you can offer your VPS hosting customers. Choosing VPS reseller hosting attracts the customers who are least likely to need extensive support. In fact, these customers are often looking for more advanced features and services you can sell to supplement your income.
A VPS reseller hosting plan is just the beginning
Shared web hosting is most commonly used for more basic websites with few features and low traffic volumes. A shared hosting customer does not always have the desire or the budget for additional services like multiple domain names, SSL certificates, or R1Soft backups. In contrast, VPS hosting customers are in the growth stage of their businesses. They are earning healthy profits and understand the importance of expanding services and reinvesting money into their website. Although VPS reseller hosting is predominantly used to sell hosting plans, the most successful resellers upsell other products to maximize their revenue. VPS reseller hosting often comes with a range of additional reseller services, including accounts to resell backup solutions, merchant services, and domain names. With these accounts ready to use, you can build on your relationships with customers and increase their average spend with your business.
VPS reseller hosting that supports your growth from JaguarPC
Choosing VPS reseller hosting to start your hosting business is a decision that will help you grow quickly right from the start. However, as you attract more customers, it can be more difficult to give them the support and attention they deserve. Some resellers even reach the point where they need to pay for other services, including outsourced technical support or customer care. A JaguarPC VPS reseller hosting service is designed to encourage the growth of your business and help you reap the rewards. The more VPS hosting plans you sell, the larger the discount you receive across all plans and add-ons. This guarantees that as you sell more accounts, you earn more money. In addition, VPS reseller hosting services from JaguarPC come with everything you need to take your business to the next level. In addition to value-adding features, including WHMCS, Softaculous, and Fantastico, each plan includes an eNom domain name reseller account and generous upsell opportunities, such as R1Soft backups and RapidSSL. For more information on VPS reseller hosting plans from JaguarPC, call 1-888-338-5261 or visit