Choosing A Reliable Linux Web Hosting Plan From JaguarPC

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When it comes to launching your business into the online marketplace, the range of web hosting options available can seem overwhelming. Whether you opt for a shared web hosting, virtual private server (VPS) hosting, dedicated server or hybrid server hosting solution, your decision should be based on as much information as possible to ensure the long-term performance of your web presence.

However, one factor that is often misunderstood is the choice of operating system that allows your web hosting server to function. Just as with your home or business computer, an operating system must run in the background of your server to assist with managing system resources and handling administrative tasks.

Without a doubt, Windows is the world’s best-known operating system – but with Windows web hosting solutions readily available, why do more than 60% of businesses still choose a Linux web hosting service? How is Linux hosting tailored for web use, and how can a Linux server be actively more reliable, scalable, and affordable than any other type of hosting?

JaguarPC offers a tiered selection of Linux hosting services, including Linux shared hosting and Linux dedicated servers. Whatever the scale of your business – and whatever your preferred type of web hosting solution – you can be confident that JaguarPC provides a Linux hosting plan to suit your budget and maximize your opportunity for growth and great return on investment (ROI).

The Benefits Of Linux Web Hosting Services

Given the incredible popularity of Windows in home and business environments, it would be easy to assume that a Windows plan is the most obvious choice of hosting operating systems. However, the benefits of Linux hosting services continue to attract businesses looking to maintain excellent uptime and serve customers with a fast and responsive service.

The benefits of Linux hosting services include:

Designed For Hosting – The majority of Linux distributions were designed and optimized for use in web hosting environments.
Fast Response Times – Intelligent system resource usage maximizes performance while being prepared for potential traffic spikes.
Stability – Built from the ground up with reliability in mind, and no susceptibility to Windows-based viruses.
Compatibility – Linux is the operating system of choice for functionality with popular services like MySQL, PHP, Perl, and Python.

Together, these factors make Linux web hosting solutions the preferred choice for dependability and performance, guaranteeing that every single visitor to your website enjoys an excellent quality of service.

Linux is an open source, free to use software. As a result, your Linux web hosting service may be available at a greatly reduced price point when compared to Windows-based counterparts, helping you to minimize your web hosting expenditure and achieve impressive profit. In addition, operating system savings enable Linux web hosts to invest additional funds into their full range of services. This helps to ensure that your Linux web hosting plan is operated from a robust network and accompanied by excellent customer support.

Get A Flexible Linux Web Hosting Plan From JaguarPC Today

If you are looking for a dependable, responsive, and scalable way to run your web presence, a Linux web hosting solution can be an affordable solution for a business of any size.

JaguarPC offers a flexible Linux web hosting plan across every web hosting service, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated servers, and hybrid hosting solutions. Each of these Linux hosting services offers a selection of Linux distributions, including popular choices such as CentOS, Suse, Debian, and Ubuntu. Every JaguarPC web hosting plan also features powerful cPanel control panel software, 24/7/365 customer support, and a 100% network uptime guarantee.

To find out more about JaguarPC’s versatile range of Linux web hosting services, call 1-888-338-5261 or visit today.

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