Our November affiliate giveaway was a great success. We welcomed many new members in the JaguarPC family, and we were happy to get in touch with some of our long-time friends. It’s always nice to know that our work is valued, and seeing how many new clients you have recommended us to, we certainly feel that you appreciate our efforts.
The JaguarPC team is very grateful for your hard work, and to show it we reward you with hard cash for every referral that you send to our top affiliate program. For each of the first five referrals you get $65 and the commission increases to $80 for the next five new customers. And if you refer more than 10 customers through our affiliate program, we will give you an impressive $110 reward for each new referral.
But let’s get back to the topic of this post. We’re sure that you would like to know who is the lucky winner of our November affiliate giveaway and the proud new owner of an Apple iPad 2 32GB with Wi-Fi. So, without further ado…
Congratulations to Scott Bruehler from Utah!
On December 1, we pooled together all the entries that you made to our affiliate program contest and we held the drawing. And the name we pulled from the hat (well, we didn’t actually use a hat) was Scott Bruehler. Congratulations Scott and thank you for all your efforts! We hope that you will enjoy your new iPad 2, and that you will make many more referrals to our affiliate hosting program.
Scott is from Utah, also known as the Beehive state. He certainly is industrious as a bee, and we think that he really deserves the iPad 2. Scott did a great job promoting our web hosting services over November. His proactive attitude ultimately earned him the winning entry in our contest.
Stay tuned for more contests from JaguarPC
The entire staff of JaguarPC would like to sincerely thank Scott Buehler and all the other participants to our November hosting affiliate contest. Without your hard work, we wouldn’t be one of the MVPs of the web hosting industry.
To show our appreciation, we will continue to offer some of the best payouts of any hosting affiliate program – up to $110 directly in your pocket for every client you refer, regardless of the web hosting service bought. We already have one of the highest paying affiliate programs in the industry, and we plan to make it even more attractive in the future.
In addition, over the coming year, we’ll continue the tradition of offering great gifts to our affiliate hosting program members. Expect more contests and more promotions in 2012, and let us know what you would like as a prize. Join us on Facebook and Twitter and keep a close eye on our blog and community forums. We will let you know in advance about any change to our free affiliate program and about every upcoming contest.
Again, a big thanks to all our affiliates and keep up the good work. We’ll make sure you are rewarded appropriately!
For further information about JaguarPC’s Affiliate Program, please call 1-888-338-5261 or visit jaguarpc.com.