Many people first get acquainted with web hosting as private users by creating and hosting their own blogs or websites. But when the time comes to find a good business hosting plan, many customers underestimate the requirements of a business website and choose underpowered solutions, or worse, decide to stick to shared hosting. It’s a mistake that can prove costly as so many frustrated business owners will tell you based on past experiences. So what can you do if you decide to sign up with a business hosting plan and you are not sure how to proceed? Large companies have IT departments staffed with experts that can make the best choice in terms of costs and returns. But how can a small business owner with an average degree of tech know-how choose the best offer, without spending a small fortune on the services of a consultant? In our latest article, Four Things to Look For in a Business Web Hosting Plan, JaguarPC gives you advice that can ease the move to a business web hosting solution. The article provides a concise, yet comprehensive overview of the four factors you should consider when choosing a hosting provider for your small business. Plus, for your convenience (we know you’re busy) the article includes the essential Dos and Don’ts that summarize what you need to know about each factor.
Don’t skimp on security and reliability
Although features and resources are certainly important, the two most vital things you should look for when purchasing a small business web hosting plan are security and reliability. With a little work, you can find workarounds for missing features and resources can be added on demand if needed. But an unsecure business server is a disaster waiting to happen. As the JaguarPC article shows, the cost of a security breach can bring down an entire business. Are you willing to take the risk of losing confidential information such as credit card numbers or social security numbers? When 5-figure amounts or more are at stake, you better make sure that your business web host is prepared to fend off any attacker. The reliability of your small business web host is just as important as security. In Four Things to Look For in a Business Web Hosting Plan, you can learn a few surefire methods to determine if a small business host offering is as reliable as advertised.
Resources and features
Once you have selected a few small business hosting providers with good security and reliability credentials, it’s time to focus on what you get for your hard earned money. Make sure you have enough resources for your current necessities and that you have the room to grow if your website takes off. It’s better to overprovision resources than to jeopardize the well-functioning of your online properties as they become popular. Even if it’s difficult to provide advice on business-specific features, the recent article from JaguarPC does offer useful insight. For this factor, it all comes down to knowing what you need to do with your site and what tools you are going to require. Read the article for more details.
Interested in a small business hosting solution? JaguarPC has the plans you need
The team at JaguarPC understands that small companies need flexible, secure hosting solutions that don’t cost a fortune. In an effort to provide an alternative to the overpriced, underpowered plans that fill the market, JaguarPC has created a diverse range of small business web site hosting services. No matter what you want to do online, JaguarPC’s innovative solutions will help you grow your business and possibly turn it into an empire. Whether you move from a hosting plan that you have outgrown or you are starting from scratch and have minimal technical knowledge, you can get the assistance you need from JaguarPC. A team of specialists is available 24 hours a day to answer your questions. Quality personnel and quality infrastructure are at the core of JaguarPC’s top business hosting solutions. To learn more about JaguarPC’s small business web hosting services or to order a plan, please call 1-888-338-5261 or visit