Get More from Your Web Hosting Services with New Voice Tutorials

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Over the years, the web hosting plans offered by web hosting providers have become increasingly advanced. The features of modern shared hosting services, virtual private server (VPS) hosting services, dedicated servers, and hybrid server solutions give businesses and individuals the chance to create dynamic, rich web experiences that attract visitors and – ultimately – can generate revenue. It is no surprise that almost every hopes to take advantage of every powerful feature that their web hosting service makes available to them.

But as hosting becomes more powerful, it also becomes more complex. Today, it can be difficult for even sophisticated web users to understand every feature available to them through their web hosting service. From domain names to creating backups of your mission critical data, and from configuring your website to using your web hosting control panel to monitor usage, learning the skills required to unlock the potential of your web hosting solution or reseller hosting plan can be an incredibly time-consuming task.

At JaguarPC, our goal is to ensure that every single customer has immediate access to the expertise required to use their hosting solution effectively. To help, we have put together an exhaustive web hosting knowledgebase and video tutorial collection, teaching you the essentials of using your chosen website hosting service, as well as how to use the most advanced functionality available. Now, JaguarPC is pleased to announce the addition of clear and simple voice narration to our video tutorials collection.

Learn more about our recent customer support improvement by reading our full press release.

JaguarPC’s voice-narrated web hosting tutorials can turn you into an expert

With more than 1,055 video tutorials now available to potential customers and existing customers alike, JaguarPC has worked to cover every major area of using your web hosting solution. However, JaguarPC understands that it is quality, not quantity, that counts the most when it comes to web hosting services. Voice narration helps viewers absorb the information presented, and voice narration works effectively with video and text content. What’s more, narrated hosting tutorials make it easier for you to work while you follow information being presented to you.

The tutorials currently available at JaguarPC cover a wide range of subjects, including shared web hosting solutions, VPS web hosting plans, dedicated server web hosting, and hybrid server hosting. Many people start with the “Intro to Web Hosting” series of tutorials, which provide an overview of what key web hosting service terms mean, how to use a reseller hosting plan, and what to expect when you order hosting services from JaguarPC. Adding voice tutorials to this series also helps you find essential information before you even place your order.

For existing customers who are looking to make sense of their web hosting plan features, more advanced tutorial subjects include common control panels, such as cPanel web hosting or WHM reseller hosting, in addition to software offered by JaguarPC, such as SmarterMail for web-based email access. Even better, the new tutorials can be used to work with common web applications such as WordPress or phpBB, which may be installed free-of-charge on any JaguarPC web hosting solution.

Order quality hosting with expert support from JaguarPC

JaguarPC’s customers already know about the staggering number of video tutorials available to help them get the most from their web hosting service. The introduction of voice tutorials means that learning about your new web hosting service is quicker and easier, leaving you with more time to focus on developing your web presence. If you would like to know more JaguarPC’s addition of voice tutorials to our tutorials collection, click here to read our latest press release.

JaguarPC is committed to delivering exceptional customer support. Whether you choose a shared web hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated server web hosting, or hybrid server web hosting service, you can be confident that you can get the help you need through the JaguarPC voice and video tutorials collection, or by using our 24/7/365 customer support.

To learn more about JaguarPC’s web hosting services, call us at 1-888-338-5261, or visit today.

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