Top 5 WordPress Security Plugins

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Whether you use WordPress as an experimental platform for testing out SEO techniques, your blog, or it is your content management system of choice for your whole business WordPess Security Pluginsswebsite, keeping it secure to avoid hacks, malware attacks, and other problems is of the utmost importance. What are the top 5 WordPress security plugins you can look to use?

Better WP Security
Billed as the most effective plugin available for ensuring high-quality WordPress security, this one takes features and functions from a number of other plugins to provide an “all in one” solution for anyone who uses WordPress. It hides the elements of WordPress that hackers and malware know are vulnerable and minimizes the chances of you having any problems by changing file names and locations where possible. It has been downloaded over 1million times and feedback is overwhelmingly positive.

Bullet Proof Security
The word bulletproof is often used as a means of providing reassurance, and this .htaccess security will give you plenty of that. The plugin has been designed in such a way because the .htaccess file is known to be processed before anything else, which means BulletProof Security stops any hacks and malware at the earliest possible stage.
This is another popular plugin that can be downloaded and installed in seconds.

Wordfence Security
Wordfence Security is a popular WordPress security plugin owing to its capability to verify and repair various website elements even without a backup file being present – the only such plugin that can perform this task. Wordfence also includes “two factor authorization,” so whenever you log into your WordPress account you need to verify it’s you using your cellphone, brining increased layers of security to this process as well as implementing strong controls across the rest of your account and website.

This great plugin takes care of all your WordPress security concerns and sends updates to your dashboard every day. As well as making your account secure both from hackers as well as removing anything that you don’t want non-admin users to be able to see or use, Acunetix also analyses any additional potential weaknesses and tells you how to fix them.

All in One WP Security & Firewall
All in One WP Security has been written by WordPress experts to ensure your site is always secure using the most recent WordPress recommendations and techniques. It also uses a unique “points system” that acts as a security health check for your blog or website and tells you what you’re doing well and where your opportunities for improvement can be found. This is a relatively new plugin but one that is already hugely popular throughout the WordPress community.

Take care of your WordPress security using one of these plugins, and ensure any issues are dealt with before they have the chance to ruin

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