Both shared hosting and VPS hosting have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on the requirements for any particular website. Many are choosing VPS hosting these days because of its greater capabilities and generally moderate cost. However, shared hosting does offers convenience and a lower cost platform that attracts a large number of clients. Below are some comparisons between the two platforms.
Utilization of Resources
Shared and VPS hosting differ regarding the way they allocate resources. With shared hosting, multiple users are sharing the same space, thus limiting your control to use the space as you desire. Since the memory resources are shared, there are limits imposed upon each user of the hardware. However, with VPS hosting these restriction do not exist. With a VPS, the hardware space can be customized to meet you website’s particular needs. As well, each server provides virtual independent storage spaces contained within the server, which mirrors the independence offered by a dedicated server. This translates into faster speeds and no interference from other users using the same server.
VPS hosting offers a security advantage over shared hosting in that it only allows users to access their own files. The configuration is kept secure to prevent the risk of others gaining access to your content. With shared hosting there is always a certain level of risk for compromised data, since a single server is being utilized by many users with no independent partitioning.
Most are highly concerned with the reliability of their websites. Uptime is important for virtually any kind of website, whether it’s low or high traffic in nature. Especially for businesses though in a competitive online arena, uptime can be crucial. Shared hosting offers less of a guarantee regarding uptime since any particular website is sharing resources, and just one other user can spoil accessibility if they overload the server. Since a virtual private server offers an independent, virtual hosting environment, there are no concerns over other accounts affecting the accessibility and download speeds of any single website.
There are no constraints regarding the type of software you can install with a VPS host. You have the freedom to customize and install the applications you need. As a result, you can eliminate potential compatibility problems. However, with shared hosting you must basically accept what the web hosting company provides in order to ensure the proper functioning of your software.
In conclusion, shared hosting offers a genuine price advantage and is more than suitable for those requiring a less than demanding web presence. However, for more efficiency, flexibility and speed, VPS hosting definitely provides many advantages.