Fun Facts and Tips for a Festive Fourth of July!

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JaguarPC wishes all of our customers a happy Fourth of July holiday. It should be a terrific weekend for barbecues, music, friends and families as well as fireworks. Almost all Americans will be out and about whether they are hosting or being hosted. It is a day for everyone to celebrate.

Independence day produces over 15,000 fireworks shows that use over 213 million pounds of fireworks and Americans spent over $645 million on fireworks last year alone. The Macy’s 4th of July show in NYC uses 75,000 pounds of fireworks in roughly a quick  half-hour. The 4th of July also sees  the nation consumes 155 million hot dogs, which means that trail would stretch from D.C. to L.A. over 5 times.   Enjoy a few more fun and fascinating statistic for the day.

Stunning displays of pyrotechnics light the evening skies, but how do they work? While almost everyone enjoys the display the young ones generally are curious about how it all happens. Explore a basic guide on how fireworks are produced and how all the pops, bangs and magnificent colors are put together. You will be ready this year when the questions come your way. Its a little bit of chemistry tied up with creativity and a good amount of caution.

If you have the food, fun and the fireworks covered then you may want to add some patriotic music to your list. America’s favorite songs according to BuzzFeed” for July 4th are: 3 percent prefer “The Star Spangled Banner” 1 percent prefer “God bless America” 96 percent prefer “Firework” by Katy Perry.

If you still find yourself at a loss for a good patriotic play list then here is a selection of over 20 Fourth of July worthy songs that you can stream which will leave you more time to head back over to the grill or take another dip in the pool.

While the Fourth of July represents the feeling and the spirit of Summer, vacation follows for many hard working Americans. Most of us set up the standard out of the office e-mail auto reply but if you are willing to get a little more creative this year then you may want to consider some of these out of the office e-mail auto-responds. Try one of these fun setups that will let everyone know that your inbox won’t be a source of your concern while you are taking a well deserved rest this summer.

Light your sparklers, grab your ice cream and have a terrific summer season and a happy and safe Fourth of July from all of us here at JaguarPC.

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