Do you need a hosting solution with the core benefits of dedicated server, but don’t want to lease an entire server?
If so, managed virtual private server (VPS) hosting may be the perfect fit for you. Regardless of your needs, you’ll enjoy consistent software, kernel, and security updates. Additionally you will enjoy all of the benefits of a VPS, which include total system isolation and exceptional support services.
Why Choose Managed?
Many companies opt for managed hosting because it eliminates the need for costly hardware and software upgrades, as well as maintenance. For clients who are less experienced with the operations of servers, managed is usually the way to go. In many cases, web hosting providers – JaguarPC included – allow clients to choose the level of managed hosting they’re interested in, such as semi-managed, managed and managed plus. Whether you’d rather have a base level of VPS support services, or you’re interested in the full management package, there’s a managed hosting plan for you.
What is VPS Hosting?
VPS hosting is just one of many types of hosting available on the market. Essentially, a VPS is a virtual server that offers many of the advantages of a dedicated server . Like a shared server, a VPS houses data for numerous clients, but far fewer than exist on shared servers. However, unlike a shared server, a VPS partitions users’ information – creating isolated nodes. Also, you’ll never have to worry about overcrowding with a reliable provider. Trustworthy web hosts always allocate plenty of VPS server resources to responsibly avoid server downtime.
Perks of a VPS
Managed VPS hosting offers the flexibility and security that many dedicated server users enjoy. Despite being on the same server, users are 100% isolated from one another and don’t have to worry as much about security breaches as shared hosting users. Rather than using the same resources as other server users, you’ll have a portion of the server to yourself. JaguarPC’s VPS hosting plans will offer you the freedom to set your own parameters for all of your web hosting necessities, such as:
- IT support levels
- Preferred OS
- IP addresses
- Bandwidth
- Disk space
- RAM & burst RAM
Why not choose a JaguarPC managed VPS hosting plan today?
Contact [email protected] or call 1-888-338-5261 to speak with a representative who can assist you with all of your questions concerning your needs for managed VPS web hosting.