What you Need to Know before Starting a Reseller Hosting Business

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There are various types of web hosting solutions available in the market today. Depending on your needs, you could choose from dedicated server hosting, shared hosting, VPS hosting, and reseller hosting. In this article we analyze reseller hosting services and focus on what reseller hosting is, how it works, why you should choose reseller hosting, and who reseller hosting is best suited for. Plus you will learn how reseller hosting works and why you should choose JaguarPC as your reseller web hosting serviceprovider.

What is reseller web hosting?

Reseller web hosting can be defined as buying a sizable hosting package from a web hosting company and then reselling it to other clients in smaller parts. Under a reseller hosting arrangement, you simply buy and pay a fixed amount for server space, divide the bandwidth and hard disk capability allotted to you by the primary hosting company into smaller chunks, resell hosting under your own brand name, and charge third party individuals and companies according to what you deem profitable. Many people think of reseller hosting services as an inexpensive choice compared to shared web hosting. Although some shared web hosting packages allow you to host an unlimited number of domains under a single account, reseller web hosting is different in the way that it gives you the ability to set up separate client accounts for each individual website that you are hosting. With a reseller hosting package, you also get extra tools to help you resell hosting space in a way that is more organized and easier to manage. Managing your reseller web hosting account is a virtually trouble-free experience. As a reseller web hostyou do not need to have any special technical knowledge on how to manage servers or run DNS servers and mail servers. And since you don’t own a physical server, the responsibility to maintain and fix hardware, bandwidth, IT, or any other issues are taken care of by the web hosting company you buy the reseller account from. Any time you or your clients have any technical issues, you just contact the parent host and they will handle everything for you.

How does reseller web hosting work?

Reseller hosting services are designed to allow resellers the ability to offer web hosting packages to their own customers based on the resources available with their chosen reseller hosting plan. Most reseller web hosting packages provide every tool you need to run and manage your reseller hosting account. As a web hosting reseller, you get access to a reseller control panel, Web Host Manager (WHM). WHM enables you to customize your own hosting packages and provide your customers with their own user control panel. Hosting companies offering reseller web hosting servicestypically give a reseller host full freedom to divide up the hosting plan purchased as they wish. As a reseller web host you can create custom reseller hosting packages, set the desired prices, and run special offers. You also have the ability to choose a particular set of features for each custom web hosting package configuration and define the bandwidth and disk space quotas for each individual hosting account. This way you can directly target clients with specific online demands, as you will be offering exactly what your clients need while they will only be paying for the services they actually use.

Why choose a reseller web hosting service?

Reseller hosting services also provide you with resources that are much greater than standard shared web hosting services. In fact, reseller hostingaccounts come with plenty of disk space and bandwidth, greater technical control via the WHM control panel, an automated billing system to help you invoice your clients, and other extra features you need to successfully provide reseller web hosting to your clients. Some of those features include:

  • Free website templates.
  • White label technical support, meaning the primary hosting company handles your clients’ technical support issues.
  • 24/7 FTP access.
  • Private custom nameservers.
  • And more to help you with every aspect of your reseller web hosting service.

Reseller web hosting also allows you to charge your customers what you want for sign-up, set-up, renewal, add-ons, domain registration, etc. There are great revenue generating opportunities in reseller web hosting. As a web hosting reseller you can set your own profit margin and generate as much revenue as you want. If you are experienced enough in promoting your reseller hosting services, you can earn substantial sums of money from reselling web hosting to your own customers.

Who is reseller web hosting best suited for?

Reseller web hosting is typically used by web designers, developers, web or system-integration companies, entrepreneurs or anyone for that matter, who wants to offer hosting services as a value added service to their customers. If you provide web design or development services, you can easily offer your customers a complete package that includes design and hosting. Your customers will appreciate the lower price points and convenience and you can start building a business that generates recurring monthly income. Reseller hosting services are also suited for customers looking to host websites for others or those who want to host a number of websites for themselves. Multiple domain web hosting can be an expensive option if you have to get an individual service for each website. By choosing a reseller hosting service, you will be able to either create your own web hosting business or host multiple domains from one easy to manage place. Although reseller hosting services are more expensive than shared hosting, they provide you with everything you need to offer hosting services to your own clients, host multiple domain names under a single account, and earn extra income by reselling hosting services.

Experience the best reseller web hosting with JaguarPC’s unlimited reseller web hosting services

Whether you are looking to start a web hosting business, categorize your domains, host your own multiple websites or provide web hosting solutions to your customers, JaguarPC’s reseller web hosting packages give you everything you need to succeed with your own hosting business. JaguarPC’s unlimited reseller hosting services allow you to set up unlimited websites under your own brand name and create your own hosting packages with your own prices and features. By choosing JaguarPC’s reseller hosting services, you will be surprised how easy, profitable, and affordable it is to become a reseller web host. With all the great tools, features, and resources offered with our reseller hosting plans, you get the best value for your money. Start your own web hosting company today by signing up for a JaguarPC reseller hosting plan or visit www.jaguarpc.comfor more information.

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