Cloud Web Hosting Plans: Redundant, Cost-Effective and Secure

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JaguarPC has taken another major step and we are excited to introduce our cloud hosting plans. Over the past few months new systems have been put into place in order to bring the best cloud hosting solutions to our clients. Our Cloud runs on advanced systems which vastly improve site performance, allows you to scale your resources up and down at the click of a slider, offers support for Windows and Linux and eliminates extended downtimes. Regular software updates, easy to use industry’s best cloud control panel on app, fully managed services and instant deployment make our cloud hosting plans an all inclusive and cost effective solution.

What is Cloud Web Hosting?
If you have never heard of Cloud hosting before then you should know that a cloud consist of a group of servers that are networked together to share the work load. A series of high performance servers are connected through a series of controllers and switches. The controllers combine with the routing, hypervisors and high performance SANS to deliver a true clustered and fully redundant product. This ensures websites remain online even when there is a hardware failure or servers are taken down for maintenance. This translates into 100% uptime for our cloud hosting plan clients.

100% Uptime Cloud Hosting
You will receive the benefits of an extremely large server cluster and true cloud services at an affordable price. Our Enterprise Cloud SANS offers high availability hosting backed by a 100% uptime SLA. Cloud hosting is unique in that if a server fails our software will route your website traffic to another available server in the cloud. Your website will remain up and functioning at all times. This distributed computing approach means that any server failures will be completely unrecognizable by you or your clients.

Affordable Cloud Hosting
JaguarPC’s cloud plans offer Tier1 speeds as well around the clock support at rates below many other web hosting providers. Your web site on the cloud will provide you with the speed, power, and reliability you crave and deserve. Say goodbye to downtime and data loss. Virtual private server cloud solutions will set you free from downtime concerns and data loss fears leaving you more time to manage your website for profit, traffic and overall success. Scale your plan up and down based on your needs. A high volume event can now be seamlessly handled with ease. The range of options and capabilities for this plan are nearly endless.

The Benefits of a Fully Managed Plan
Cloud plans are fully managed which means we take care of monthly administrative work, scripting needs and many other tasks that may be out of your range of expertise.  Discover a whole new way of hosting your site with this outstanding cloud opportunity. You can host a website or a client’s site with minimal hassles and maintenance tasks. Switch to a Cloud hosting plan today to discover what you have been missing.

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