Wow, I can tell you today I am truly amazed. My upper level management team hasn’t called me out on “Doing a Greg” in a long time. Honestly, I have, I have just been more discreet about it. Yeah, I pulled a Greg, and managed to hit the 16 year anniversary mark at JaguarPC. I didn’t do it all alone though.
JaguarPC has been one of the major driving forces in my lifetime. My own perseverance along with the support of my family and a few good minds in the industry have allowed me to take a side project and craft it into a global web hosting company that to this day stands on the principals of integrity, exceptional service and reliability.
I want to thank all of our customers at JaguarPC. I know many of you are using our hosting services to get your own companies online. I completely respect all of you for your efforts. While many of us started our companies and websites far before the Startup craze we all still have the same entrepreneur spirit that bonds us. JaguarPC is a part of the answer to your online business, blog and website success.
I understand from a personal perspective the battles that each of you faces daily and I encourage all of you to continue with your endeavors until they become successful. It feels pretty good to celebrate a 16th anniversary and more so even to share it with some of our original clients as well as many new entrepreneurs, site owners and successful businesses. Your loyalty and support over the years has been critical to the success of JaguarPC and it has always fueled my own personal drive and ambition to do what is best for our clients. I thank each of you for being a factor in the growth and success of JaguarPC and I respect your own ambitions to be successful entrepreneurs.
I would also like to thank the tireless and hard working minds of the staff at JaguarPC. They have the same perspective as I do when it comes to providing customer service and technical support. You may have come to know some of them personally and that is the nature of JaguarPC. Our team realizes there is a person reaching out for assistance and they make every effort to make sure you are treated as an individual over an account number. Our team values our clients and understands that unless it is a 150% effort, then it isn’t enough.
It has been a good year. Not only did I manage to kick my Gummy bear habit and not sell off any of my Lego collection but JaguarPC is well on track to meet the expectations we tabled for the year. We are happy to have you as a part of our family where we choose to be exceptional in all that we do. Since JaguarPC is going to be around for at least another 16 years then we will do it with exceptionalism as our standard and nothing less.
Greg Landis/ CEO