If you have been hosting your website and running a business for a period of time then you probably already know how important it is to have a good backup copyof your data. Data backups can be crucial to you recovering your images, databases, client lists and other content and information that is critical to your website and your business. You can insure your mission critical data will be available when you use offsite backups. The basic difference is that on site backups are stored by you on your USB’s, DVD or external hard drives while offsite backups are stored outside of your business and in servers that are Internet based. Each has it own advantages but there are several major benefits for offsite backups.
The major disadvantage of onsite storage is that if you experience an event at the place where you store your data it will be lost. Fire, theft and even device failure can leave you without any of your critical information. Offsite data storage and backups for your important information mean that your data is safe from events that can plague on site storage tactics at your place of business.
Offsite backups have benefits that some businesses and website owners overlook. Backups which are offsite allow for access from any location across the internet & you can also share your data with multiple locations. When you invest in a third party backup solution it will give you multiple options to keep your data safe. When you have backups stored on a hard drive other than your own and access to that data at anytime from any point of access from the net then you have the best means in place for total data recovery. Online backup services help keep your backups current. You will no longer have to be concerned about keeping your own backups current through your onsite systems and methods.
Everything to do for your business should be backed up in case of an emergency. You want to have access to everything from your company’s financial records to client lists, which will enable you to rebuild should anything happen. Theft, fire, power surges, natural disasters and other system failures can result in you losing data that is critical to the success of your business. Onsite data storage and recovery solutions can leave business owners scurrying to retrieve their information before a tornado strikes, a flood rises or a wildfire sparks. Not unlike business insurance, offsite storage of your data can provide a level of protection that you can put into place before a data destroying event happens. If your business information is stored offsite, then your entire office could experience a data disaster event and you would still have access to the valuable files you have stored at a secure and technologically sound offsite backup location.
As a business owner with an onsite data backup system in place, you may be happy with the process. As your business grows, are you confident that you are making sure that your backups are performed regularly? One busy week where you failed to take recent backups could lead to more lost information than you ever imagined. Offsite backups allow you to connect to the Internet and schedule regular backups like clockwork. As an active and successful business in fast paced times your information could be more secure by using a backup system that does it all for you. Offsite backups free you from the worry of losing your data and give you a piece of mind that your data is scheduled to update and remain current with nothing having to be done on your part. Embrace a better and safer way to store and restore your data JaguarPC offers a comprehensive data backup plan and disaster recovery solution at an affordable price. We can help you design the best offsite plan to suit your needs. Offsite backups will prevent data loss due to device and disks failures, theft and natural disasters. When you choose an offsite data backup and disaster recovery plan you are choosing a more sound backup system than you have available with your onsite systems.