Take Action to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

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It can be a battle to drive traffic to your website especially considering the constant changes in SEO practices and Goggle’s never ending changes to their own algorithms. Don’t be discouraged. There are actions that can be taken that will significantly improve your traffic. This blog post will show you a number of activities Ways to drive traffic for more visits and sales that can work to create more exposure and ultimately lead to more visits. Use a few of the suggestions to create a weekly schedule of activities which can improve the exposure of your website and blog. When you know what works and where to start then the only next step is to get active.

Regular Fresh Content
Fresh and original content is key to not only maintaining your website or blog but also for good search engine results. While you may often hear that regularly updating your blog with fresh content is important, it is also helpful to change the actual content on your website as around a time frame of every other week. The changes don’t have to big but it can be helpful to take a look at a few key areas of your website that could benefit from more regular updates. Refining product descriptions, updating an introduction area or even creating and maintaining a weekly what’s new or niche weekly news area can greatly benefit your site the next time it is reviewed for indexing.

Longer Blog Post
Many bloggers have trained themselves to limit their blog post to between 300-500 words. This is still a good practice. But, if you are an authority on a particular subject you can gain even greater value from your blog with posts that are in the 1200-1500 word range. Google now values high quality original content of length more than ever. While you don’t have to do this with every post, a few longer pieces over the course of a month can make a considerable difference in how Google values what you write. Research also suggests that longer and information rich posts are shared more often with close friends, family members and networks. A few information packed post a month could be a factor for gaining additional traction, better rankings and more attraction to the insights and information you have to present about your area of expertise.

StumbleUpon & Reddit for Social Bookmarking
The reproduction and duplication of content has been frowned upon more so than ever in recent times. But, sharing the original content that you do produce will bring more exposure to your webiste, blog and overall to your niche expertise and knowledge. Visitors can flock to a site once they find it has high quality information. Today’s fast paced digital world hardly allows time for being able to explore and digest the mass of information that passes our way daily. Social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon and Reddit provide a service which allows the most reposted and popular items to be consolidated across a few major sites. Social bookmarking allows the most relevant and interesting information to gain greater exposure. While your blog post may not receive much attention on your site alone, it can gain popularity and momentum when it is exposed to a much wider potential audience that has greater sharing power.

YouTube It
Videos on YouTube continue to drive more engaged traffic than any other social media site. You can spend an hour writing a blog or you can create a one minute video that could gain better recognition and attention. Videos on YouTube don’t have to be viral but can drive traffic to your website or blog based on the popularity of the content alone. When you tap into YouTube you are putting your site in front of millions of potential visitors and/or customers. Optimizing your video post is also very important for it to receive its best potential. Take a few extra minutes to look at the features you can use to refine the settings that are available to help you gain an even greater reach with your YouTube video post. A quick search on the web will bring up more than a few helpful tips that could be critical to putting your video in front of the people who have an interest in the message that you want to be delivered to your best potential audience.

E-Mail Marketing with Newsletters
Many bloggers and site owners have spent consider time procuring e-mail addresses which are a valuable way to reach back out to visitors and potential clients with a newsletter. When you include relevant links, new and important information as well as good subject lines then you may find that your outreach efforts can be highly rewarding. Use different links to hit the same landing pages so that more than one click opportunities are available for an engagement level that will boost your outreach efforts. Additionally make sure to include some form of engagement opportunity via link buttons for such items as contest, social media and other engagement tactics which can drive traffic to your site from the newsletter. The more you can touch your base then the more visitors you can gain.

Paid Media
Some times it is necessary and well worth the price to pay for media and its distribution. Press releases along with Twitter and Facebook paid advertising are documented successful venues that are available at a more nominal cost over large scale traditional advertising methods. These channels of outreach can allow you to reach a larger audience that may not be aware of the information or products you offer. As with newsletter marketing, make sure that your paid media has a call to action message so that those that see and read your paid advertising will know your message as well as how to reach you in order to take advantage of your special product, promotion or the information you are making available.

When you post across forums, blogs and sites within, across and around your niche make sure you leave a clear signature. Signatures allow you a viable means to let others know who you are, where they can find you and what type of product, service or information you are making available. It will help others within that same niche to easily locate you and start conversations and engagements that can lead to a variety of means of exposure and networking that might otherwise be lost if readers on a forum post or comment areas have to go searching for that particular information. Use your website or blog as the primary link and include your name or brand along with product information or some other captivating piece of information. Signatures allow for easy cross communication and can help form relationships that can be valuable to your future success and the continued growth of your networking efforts.

Keep Making More Connections
One of the keys to maintaining website and blog popularity is the recognition of your site as a source of expertise insight and authority in your niche or for your product or service. If your site or blog has some of the best, most current and knowledge information about your industry or niche then others will want to know about it. Reach out to other experts in your field on a personal basis. Comment on other blogs that you find to have good information. These practices will overall lead to more organic inbound links and traffic referrals. Despite the inherit anonymity of the web, personal relationships have enormous value and potential especially when forming them within your industry or area of expertise.

Statistics and Data
Analytics will help you decide if your particular selection of traffic driving strategies are working. If you are serious about discovering what is failing and what is working well then a wealth of tools are available. Google Analytics is valuable and easy to learn. Don’t be intimidated or overwhelmed by the statistics available. Start with the basics. What works well for others may not give you the same results so it is vital to your success that you are able to explore the results of your actions on a numerical level.

The most important key to the success of your traffic gaining actions is to keep active. It takes time, patience and persistence to gain followers, fans and clients. It may be helpful to outline a weekly schedule of activities you will perform to improve the visibility of your website, blog or e-commerce store. Overall, keep your content on your blog and on your website fresh, use social bookmarking services to spread your expert advice and sage insights, employ videos on YouTube as part of your strategy and make personal connections that will add up to traffic and sales spikes. Find a simple way that works well for you to measure your success. While you may see visits and sales spike with your new practices it is best to track what method or tactics gained you new visits and sales. Your greater measure of success will come with deciphering what worked and can work consistently over time to bring you continued, over short lived spikes that could be turned into long term relationships and sustained site, blog and e-commerce growth.

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