What is the Difference Between Managed VPS Hosting and Unmanaged VPS Hosting?

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VPS Hosting has grown in popularity in recent years as a powerful, yet affordable upgrade from the traditional shared hosting platform with which so many website owners are VPS Servers at Atlanta Data Centerfamiliar. A virtual private server consists of independent partitions (smaller virtual servers within a large server) that each operate independently. The benefits to the user of a VPS include excellent speed, efficiency, security and storage space.

There are two types of VPS hosting we want to examine today – managed and unmanaged.

Managed Virtual Private Servers
Managed VPS hosting is certainly the more expensive of the two options, but it also offers greater benefits to the user. With managed VPS you have all maintenance issues handed by the hosting company. This includes any repairs, actual hardware configurations, service problems, etc. Those who don’t wish to delve into the technical aspects of web hosting and just want to concentrate on their websites will appreciate the convenience of managed VPS hosting.

Unmanaged Virtual Private Servers
For those with the necessary technical knowledge to configure and maintain a server, unmanaged VPS hosting may be the best option. In an unmanaged configuration, only uptime issues will be handled by the VPS hosting company. Other than that, everything else will be handled by you, including software installations and fixes, troubleshooting and compatibility issues. The main benefits are the ability to customize your server exactly as you want and the low price per month.

In conclusion, the decision between whether to purchase managed or unmanaged VPS hosting comes down to time, knowledge and convenience. With unmanaged VPS you have the ability to customize your hosting service which can result in the greatest advantage for your websites in terms of efficiency and features. However, only those with the time and expertise to properly configure this hosting platform should choose the unmanaged option. Typically, most people will choose managed VPS, because even though it’s more expensive, you get the benefit of having the experts handle configuration, performance and repair issues. Regardless of your choice, VPS hosting is certainly an excellent option that allows website owners to make the most of their website presence.

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