Security for you websites

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When using the internet you might have noticed that some websites have https at the start of web addresses instead of the usual http.  It is important to be aware of what https is whether you’re using the internet or are hosting a website yourself, as you need to protect yourself and your browsers as much as possible.

What is HTTPS?
The “S” at the end of  https stands for “secure.”  This is why you’ll see https and not http when you log into online banking or are going through the checkout of an ecommerce site.  However, many sites are securing themselves today, including Google, by encrypting their data using https.

It is important to know that https is not a protocol, but a combination of using http alongside SSL/TLS protocols, giving an extra layer of security to your website.

https vs http
If you’re a website owner, which should you be using?  If you are the owner of a blog and people visit your site to read your views on the latest NFL fixtures, for example, then you probably don’t need to be using https.  However, you might decide to use https vs http if you have a sign up section on your blog, be it for emails or access to a members area, and are going to be collecting information from readers.  Even if the information is non-intrusive, such as an email, you will find that more people are willing to sign up and feel more secure if you’re using https.

If you are selling goods or services and taking payment details for anything, then you have to use https to encrypt details and provide the best possible level of security for users.  Modern browsers will warn internet users if they are about to submit details across an unsecured platform, so there’s no point in cutting corners.

The issue of https vs http is one to be aware of so you can ensure you are always giving your website visitors the best experience and security possible.  Even if you aren’t taking payments, you can assure the authenticity of your pages by securing your server and website pages.

Can I Use https Only on Certain Pages?
If you need to secure anything, then your whole website needs to be subject to https. There are potential security flaws that can be exposed if http and https were to be used together, including the destabilization of security on the https pages, which would clearly make using them irrelevant. Add more security for your users and and you will be adding a greater peace of mind for you and your website.

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