5 Tips to Make your WordPress Blog or Website Secure

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WordPress is one of the most popular blog and website creation platforms in use today. While the platform has many benefits the draw back can be that WordPress is so popular it becomes a target for those looking to infiltrate it. A few sound practices when it come to security can make your WordPress blog or website more sound and save you the heartache of your site being comprised and potentially destroyed or taken down for a good bit of time.

Update Versions
New versions of WordPress are many times more of a security update release over a new features update. Recently, 4.0 was released and then just a few weeks later 4.0.1 was released which contained a big security update. You may think since you just upgraded to 4.0 you are secure but this is not the case. If you see a version update at least take a look at the details to see if any security patches were implemented and if so upgrade as soon as possible.

Update Passwords
Weak passwords are one of the most dangerous nearly unsecured way to have your WordPress blog or website hacked. Security is paramount to the safety of your work which represents time and money. It is a good practice to use one of the password-generation plugins offered by WordPress for added protection. Other security plugins are offered so you may want to look into adding additional levels of protection beyond good passwords. Generally if you regularly change it and ensure it is long and strong with alpha upper and lower case, numerical, as well as special characters then you will already be putting yourself in a better password protected position.

Plugins and Scripts
You may have some baggage in your WordPress website or blog that could be harming you. If you are using plugins make sure you keep them updated. Update plugins and discard those not in use. Scripts and plugins that have been passed around will have been scoured for backdoors which can harm you unless you have the most updated version. Updates are designed and released because there are generally known problems which could cause issues. A bit of house keeping will mean your site is much more secure and running at its optimal levels.

WordPress Community
Use public resources to get the best information you can before choosing themes, plugins and scripts. The WordPress site offers a wealth of knowledge you can use to learn what plugins and themes are safe. Sometimes free themes or other lesser known themes can have backdoors which will allow your WordPress site to be hacked. Free plug-ins and scripts can sometimes be distributed for this sole illicit purpose. Do a bit of research to make sure all elements of your WordPress site are sound and secure.

Regular Backups
Backups aren’t as much as a security practice as maintenance practice. Backups can save you in the end if your site has been damaged, defaced or data is lost. A hack could destroy all of your data. If you don’t keep regular backups then months or weeks of progressive work could be lost. Most web hosts offer some level of backup plans. Make sure you have a backup plan on hand before all of your work is destroyed by an attack.

WordPress is an excellent platform to design the website or blog that you have always imagined. A few cautious practices can make a big difference in your ability to fend off any attacks and to ensure that no intruders will bring harm to your site in any way. Shore up your WordPress security and protect yourself from the higher levels of attacks that are always becoming more clever everyday.

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