Best Business Web Hosting Features

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If you are in the dark about how to choose the best web hosting for your small to mid sized business then there are a few important factors to consider. If you are new to the world of web hosting or considering changing your hosting provider then there a few areas you will want to look into before making any final decisions. Business Web Hosting for Fast, Secure and Reliable web hosting servicsWhile many web hosting services may look similar and cost about the same at the heart of these services you could experience some very deep differences. Taking a closer look at some core elements of web hosting services will give you a better idea how to pursue the best web hosting for your business needs.

Web hosting support can be critical to the success of your business. If you have questions about setting up your hosting, how to use your control panel, assign DNS settings or a myriad of other factors then you will want to be able to touch base with customer support and technical support in a matter of a few minutes over waiting for a response and a fix for hours or even days with some hosts. Check to see what level of support services the hosting provider offers. While standard support may be enough for some your company may require higher level maintenance options which not all hosts provide. Look into the number of ways that are available to reach out to the company as well. If a ticketing system is the only means you could be waiting for a while to obtain the level of service you deserve and need. Choose a host that offers, live chat, phone as well as ticketing systems and e-mail as a way to reach out and make contact.

Choose a provider that is known for professional level response times and makes it easy for you to get in contact with them. JaguarPC understands that critical issues with your website can’t sit and wait. We provide all levels of response, extended support plans and professionally trained seasoned web hosting industry experts to keep your site up and to assist you with all of your technical service and billing needs.

Corporate level website hacks and attacks are becoming more frequent. The onslaught is not expected to subside so as a business you need to know that your data is secure and well protected against all levels of potential security threats. If large corporations can be attacked and infiltrated successfully then you will want to know that your own data is as secure as possible. High quality hosting companies understand this need and use two factor authentication and other high levels of security setting in order to make sure your data is rock solid secure. Strong security settings will route your business affairs and confidential information through SSL certificates for a higher level of security. Superior web hosting services will also provide advanced and proactive monitoring which looks for anomalies and addresses them in real time. Third party software like CloudFlare and SpamExperts provide another level of protection to ensure your data is as secure as it can possibly be. The business data that you host needs extra security in order to protect your clients and your business reputation. High level hosting companies understand these business needs and work around the clock to ensure that new standards of security are put into place when threat levels change.

It is imperative as a business that your website is up all the time. While many web hosts offer 99.9% uptime as a standard you can find a some reputable high quality providers that offer 100% uptime. This level of web hosting is confident enough that your site will always be on that they offer 10X SLA agreements if you do experience any downtime. Cloud web hosting is also a great option for superior uptime returns for businesses and other endeavors that need scalable solutions, more or less data storage, bandwidth and pricing options to give you the most efficient plans for your changing needs. The redundant technology of Cloud web hosting allows for another server to take over if any issues arise so that your website is always up on the cloud. If you find that a business web hosting plan doesn’t meet all of your needs then cloud web hosting can be managed to fit your needs as they may rise and fall.

Scalable Web Hosting Solutions
Successful businesses grow and as they do they need more space and bandwidth in order to serve the needs of clients and the business itself. Storage, bandwidth, and CPU power will need to be upgraded as growth continues. Choose a web hosting company that offers a number of plans and can meet your needs as your growth continues. If you are experiencing the expansion you would like to see then you will at some point need to upgrade from the original account you engaged. A high quality hosting provider will understand the ratio of your traffic and data needs so that they can guide you into the best plan at the best cost.. Companies now also have the benefit of choosing cloud web hosting which allows for scalability up and down. So, if you have a seasonal business or a special event or even a development project which has changing bandwidth and data storage needs you can scale up for your needs as they occur and scale back down when the need is no longer there. The cost effectiveness of this plays into the hands of businesses as a big benefit as well. You can scale down during the down season and ramp up for the busy times while engaging only the most appropriate costs.

Along the lines of hacks and attacks comes the need to keep your data not only secure but backed up. While many web hosting providers offer backups these can become corrupt or a disaster such as a hurricane or a fire could leave you without your precious data. Web hosts that provide backups give you the extra assurance that if your own copies of data become unavailable your web host will be able to produce a copy for you. High level businesses recognize the need not only for a web host to maintain a backup copy but also for all data to be stored and secure at multiple locations. It is no longer advisable to depend solely on a web host to maintain the only record of the data. Good web hosting providers often also offer additional backup services to secure your data and information beyond the normal backup copies. Reliable hosts will also point out the need for clients to maintain their data at multiple locations in order for the best possible recovery tactics to be engaged before mishaps or dreaded disasters occur.

Performance and SEO
A static IP on high performance server will both help the SEO of your website and help with your visibility across the internet. These two features can be key to your businesses overall success. Sites that load fast and maintain a dedicated IP address will be ranked higher than those sites that change IP’s often and have low page load speeds. Google is also now giving higher ranking to sites which have an https designation due to an SSL certificate being enabled. Business web hosting accounts generally take these factors into account because they are designed especially to satisfy the recognized needs that e-commerce, developers, startups and other standard types of businesses need most. When businesses host on higher level types of hosting plans with a reliable and recognized provider they can reap the benefits at many different levels which can prove to be invaluable to growth, higher sales and continued success.

Hardware and Software
Not all businesses start off with a fully enabled website in hand when they are seeking hosting services. It may be important to consider if the business web hosting plan you choose offers site building software, free Softaculous, with the ability to enable hundreds of scripts, cPanel software for ease of use and website management, free domains and other additional features which can make hosting your website and adding features easy so that you can create a more attractive and user friendly website.  Servers that are enabled with LiteSpeed and SpamExperts along with industry leading hardware like Intel quad core xeon processors are recommended for those who need hosting accounts that offer advanced features. As a business you will want the ability to enable the leading e-commerce hardware via scripts or special security settings and for your shopping cart services to load fast and experience smooth operation.

Ethics , Integrity and Reputation
Web hosting is an enormous industry with over 65,000 providers in North America alone. Before making any final decisions on the host you choose you might want to take a look at online reviews and the overall reputation as well as the longevity of the company. Many fly by night hosts provide minimal support, fail to respond to problems in a timely manner and may provide hosting services only when a long term contract is signed. An ethical web host is more than happy to respond in a timely manner to correct any issues and provide support in a timely manner. It is also a good idea to call the hosting provider before you order your plan. This tactic allows you to see the type of service and support you will get and how you will be attended to once you do choose a company.

JaguarPC offers all of the best web hosting features whatever your business web hosting needs may be. Contact our sales department with any questions you might have about which type of plan best suits the needs for your individual strategies and special needs.

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