Does Your Email Reach Your Customer

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Several years ago I started having problems sending email to my customers.  The only time I send email is to update a customer on the status of their order, or to ask a question about their order.

I don’t send spam, but on the few occasions that I sent email to customers about their order, some of the customers did not receive the email.

I’m talking about a time period a few years ago, but I know that some of the problems I experienced are relevant today.

ComCast rejected the email as Spam.  At least ComCast  sent a failed notice,  and thanks to ComCast I realized there was a problem.

AOL just let the email go into a black hole without a response to the sender to let you know there was a problem.

Gmail, and MSN sent the mail to a spam folder. If the recipient was not checking the spam folder they did not get the email.

Yahoo was unpredictable.  Sometimes the mail would go to a spam folder, and sometimes it just disapeared.

I was reminded about these problems due to this post by rachidny who is a Jag Customer.  rachidny was having problems getting his email through to the intended recipient in the same way I was having problems a few years ago. In my experience adding a SPF record will take care of problems with many ISPs like ComCast, and AOL.

With MSN/HotMail you need to submit your SPF record to MSN at

The SPF record will satisfy most ISPs, however in my experience it will not satisfy Yahoo.  Yahoo wants a domain key.  Thats really strange because at least  75% of the spam I recieive has a domain key.

If you need to get email through to all the recipients you have to play the game.

If you have CP you can set up SPF and Domain Keys under email authentication.

If you are using Plesk Support can set this up for you.

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