If you’re the owner of a growing online business, you probably understand the need for trustworthy hosting services. Your profits and customer base’s satisfaction depend on scalability and uptime. Virtual private server (VPS) hosting is similar to dedicated hosting, but is better suited for businesses that are on their way to heavier traffic, payment processing, application building, and more. Through an managed hosting provider – such as JaguarPC – you can find a multitude of Linux VPS hosting options offered at competitive prices.
Unmanaged and Managed
When you choose a hosting plan, you typically have a choice between unmanaged or managed services. Managed hosting removes the hassle of having to keep tabs on hardware and system updates – which is usually a challenge for inexperienced users. When you opt for managed hosting, such as Linux VPS hosting, you’ll enjoy the convenience of fully provisioned services. If any aspect of your server needs to be altered or updated, your hosting provider will take care of it on your behalf. Unmanaged web hosting plans demand technical know-how, as well as precious time and resources.
Linux-Based Virtual Server
Essentially, a Linux VPS is a virtual private server that operates on a Linux platform. Linux is a free, open-source operating system users can install on as many computers as necessary. Linux VPS servers perform all of the same tasks as physical servers – which often host a multitude of virtual private servers. VPS hosting uses virtualization technology to make users’ resources accessible within an isolated, partitioned environment. While VPS is technically a lot like shared, users enjoy greater security, as well as scalability similar to that of dedicated hosting.
Why Choose Linux VPS?
One of the most important benefits Linux VPS hosting offers is stability. As a business owner with an online presence – whether you own an e-commerce business, or a traditional company backed by a promotional website – the reliability of your server is crucial to winning over visitors and pulling in profits. Flexibility is another essential advantage Linux virtual private servers offer – meaning you can continue to expand your company without constraints. JaguarPC offers an assortment of managed Linux VPS options for resources like bandwidth, disk space, RAM, IP’s and more.