Pssht! Luke, I am your father…. No, just kidding. People have often asked me:
“Joshua, What linux distribution is the best for ((insert end of question here))?”.
Well, that’s a great question, but a very broad one. I’m glad more people are coming on
over from the darkside of the Computer Operating System arena (namely MicroSoft).
The major questions you need to ask yourself are:
Do I require Reliability, flexibility, user-friendliness, and/or simplicity and ease of operation?
Reliability/Flexibility User Friendly Simplicity Windows (Plus) ----------------------- ------------- ---------- -------------- RedHat Lycoris Mandrake Lindows CentOS Xandros Novell Suse
I personally use the OSes in the Reliability/Flexibilty category.
But, in order to keep me from babbling head on over to:
for a comparison Linux vs Windows