The Advantages of Fully Managed VPS Hosting

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When shopping for VPS hosting services, one of your main choices is the level of management your VPS host will provide. If your small business already has an IT department and some expertise in VPS hosting, then an unmanaged VPS hosting plan might be exactly what you need as you will save a little money, have total freedom to run the software you want on your VPS server, and manage your VPS hosting account the way you like. But if you do not have the ability (time, money, resources) to take care of an unmanaged VPS yourself, then you will have to decide what level of management works best for you and your business.

For most customers with managed VPS servers, the higher the level of service the better, especially if you can get those benefits without having to spend a lot of money. Fully managed VPS hosting offers the highest level of service available in the managed web hosting market. However, defining fully managed VPS hosting can be a little difficult. Why? There is no industry standard for fully managed VPS hosting services. Each managed web hosting provider defines fully managed VPS hosting slightly different based on their hosting offerings and preferences. However, there are standard hosting offerings that make a web hosting service “fully managed” as opposed to simply “managed.”

Standard attributes available with fully managed VPS hosting services

The primary benefit of a fully managed VPS server is convenience – your managed web hosting company will handle software updates, data backups, server troubleshooting, and all other essential administrative duties for you. And most managed VPS hosting plans will provide these services, too. But fully managed hosting generally provides all of these services proactively without your having to ask for them, while managed VPS services will give them to you only upon request. This difference is one of the commonly accepted differences between a managed and a fully managed VPS server.

Fully managed VPS hosting plans also provide and install an operating system of your choice for your VPS – either Windows if you are going with a Windows server, or one of the many flavors of Linux – as well as a control panel (e.g., cPanel, Plesk, etc.) you can use to manage your VPS remotely. If you are trying to decide which operating system is best for your needs, the managed VPS web hosting company you choose should be able to advise you on which platform best fits your needs.

Fully managed VPS service also tends to be all-inclusive (or at least mostly inclusive.) Reputable semi-managed VPS web service employs knowledgeable server professionals who can do any task you might need done for your VPS server; but they may charge you an administrative fee to do the work, while a fully managed VPS service will install programs, update servers, or change preferences at no additional charge. Of course there are tasks that you will be charged for regardless of the service level you are receiving from your managed VPS service; you will just be charged less often with a fully managed VPS service.

The most important aspect of VPS hosting is the access to technical support you can expect from your managed VPS web hosting plan. A fully managed VPS service should give you 24/7 technical support as well as quick responses and resolutions to your technical issues. You should also be able to consult with technical support on less urgent issues, like software choices or general inquiries, and receive expert, professional advice as needed on an ongoing basis.

The limitations of fully managed VPS hosting

A fully managed VPS server does have some boundaries. For example, you may not have root access or the freedom to host multiple websites, install third-party applications, run game servers, and more. But check with your VPS hosting provider and ask what you are capable of installing on your VPS server and ask how much flexibility you will ultimately have with your fully managed VPS hosting plan. In fact, some VPS hosting companies may offer to install whatever you need or offer to setup your VPS server based on your personal preferences.

Also note that it is very difficult for a fully managed VPS hosting service to take responsibility for a server’s security, efficiency, and upkeep when they give root access to customers, especially technically inexperienced customers who could inadvertently compromise the server without even knowing they have done so. Before you make the move to a VPS hosting provider, ask the support team what they recommend you choose in order to maximize your VPS hosting experience.

Explore JaguarPC’s fully managed VPS hosting services

JaguarPC’s managed VPS plans all qualify as fully managed. You will get complete support whenever you need it with the flexibility to customize your VPS server, all for just a little more than you would pay for unmanaged VPS hosting service from another VPS hosting provider. JaguarPC will oversee nearly every aspect of your VPS server, leaving you free to focus on content and managing your business.

You also will get full root access with JaguarPC’s VPS managed hosting. If you need something specific done to your VPS server, ask the JaguarPC support team for what you need done and JaguarPC will do it for you quickly or give you a solution to accommodate your needs. Plus you get two full hours of VPS administration every month along with the following managed VPS hosting services:

  • Free assistance in moving from your current server to your new managed VPS.
  • Choice between Windows managed VPS and Linux managed VPS, and the benefits offered by each one.
  • Free security as well as free web host billing and support.

JaguarPC’s fully managed VPS web hosting will give you the support and reliability of an IT department at a fraction of the cost, along with dozens of add-on programs and applications to help you get the most out of your fully managed server. And if you are looking to expand in the future, JaguarPC can help you “scale up” your managed VPS service when you need it and exactly how you need it. Just talk to one of our qualified VPS hosting server experts and we will help you find the right plan for your specific needs.

Whether you are looking for a fully managed Windows VPS server or a fully managed Linux VPS server, JaguarPC can help. View JaguarPC’s fully managed VPS hosting plans or call 800-659-9585 today to learn more.

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