In the world of web hosting, you have three options: a shared hosting (the most popular and the cheapest), a dedicated server that is intended for you only, and the so-called virtual private server, which is a combination of the two. But what exactly is a virtual private server?
The Definition of Virtual Private Server
Popularly known as VPS, a virtual private server runs on a physical server that is divided into virtual compartments. Although its features are more or less similar with a dedicated server, with an operating system, a dedicated RAM, CPU resource, and storage, its price is somehow cheaper. So basically, it is like the meeting point of a dedicated server and a shared hosting.
The Main Features of a VPS
Here are the primary features of a virtual private server:
- An unlimited number of websites can be hosted. Each of them has access to control panel.
- The website’s IP address will only be shared with other sites that are hosted under the same VPS.
- Like a dedicated server, a VPS can run its own operating system.
- Custom software installation is allowed.
- The server can be remotely accessed via remote desktop or SSH.
- Websites can take advantage of all VPS resources.
- Price range varies from $10 to $150 per month.
Reasons to Upgrade Your Shared Hosting to a VPS
Unfortunately, a shared hosting plan isn’t always ideal for you. For that, we’ve listed several reasons that may convince you to upgrade your hosting plan.
- Your website is becoming slower than ever!
Admit it. You know that when you upload more content, the more your website becomes slow. And if you think that this is your problem, it’s time to upgrade your hosting.
- Your website is receiving high amounts of traffic.
Your website is gaining popularity. What now? Expect a very high traffic. If that is the case, your shared hosting plan might not be able to handle such amounts of traffic. The best thing to do is to make a switch to VPS.
- You encounter “Internal Server Error” messages.
Have you ever come across this error? Well, that only means one thing. You have already maximized your current hosting plan’s resources. To avoid that, maybe you can contact your hosting plan provider or change to VPS hosting.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a VPS Hosting Provider
If you have finally considered switching to a VPS hosting, it is about time to choose a provider. Here are some factors to consider:
- Customer Support – Be sure that your VPS hosting provider has a live chat support who can assist you with your VPS concerns.
- Price – Do not be tempted to opt for the cheapest VPS hosting plan. Know what’s included in your plan to avoid future problems.
- Backup Services – Choose a VPS hosting plan that takes regular backups. With that plan, you will not have to worry about restoring hours of work.
- Uptime – Always ask how much uptime the web hosting provider offers. The recommended is 99.5%. Anything below that is unacceptable.
So, what can you say about virtual private servers? Are they worthy investments? Do you think they will outweigh your company’s costs? Only you can answer these questions. For now, we’ll hope that this guide has shed some light about VPS hosting.