Particularly as your business grows and your web presence becomes more advanced, looking after a web hosting server can be very time-consuming. Although browser-based control panels are able to automate and streamline the essential tasks involved in getting your web hosting up and running, the more complex tasks associated with a virtual private server (VPS) hosting or dedicated server hosting plan often require a great deal of specialized expertise. Between time and expertise, managing your own VPS hosting plan can also be expensive. Alternatively, managed VPS hosting is a way to save your time, reduce your expenditures, and ensure the well-being of your virtual private server. In this article, specialty web hosting provider JaguarPC explains what managed VPS hosting is and how the managed features of VPS hosting make configuring and working with your server easier. You will also learn more about the most common features of managed VPS hosting, how these features could save you money, and the direct impact of managed VPS hosting on your profit margins.
Managed VPS hosting plans share overall server responsibility
By design, a VPS hosting service is designed to closely mimic the features and functionality of a dedicated server solution. Although your server is a virtual machine, or VM, it should behave exactly in the same way as a dedicated server, with allocated system resources, dependable performance, and full system access, allowing you to work with your VPS hosting exactly as you choose. Many businesses and individuals choose VPS hosting for this reason – they desire full control of their hosting. However, control means responsibility. Much like in a dedicated server hosting plan, VPS hosting users are usually left in charge of their own server. Although a reputable VPS host might offer a guarantee with regard to the network that the server is hosted on, you will be expected to install any software that you may require, upgrade your operating system with the latest security patches, and monitor your server for potential issues. Managed VPS hosting strikes a balance between full responsibility and no responsibility. Although it allows you take full control of your VPS hosting with full root access, for example, managed VPS hosting also provides you with the support of experienced IT professionals who can help keep your virtual server running correctly. Rather than leaving your host completely responsible for running your hosting service (as with shared web hosting) or taking complete control yourself (as with a dedicated server), managed VPS hosting takes away a portion of your responsibility, leaving time-consuming and complex server management to your VPS hosting provider.
Five common managed VPS hosting features
In a managed VPS hosting plan, your web hosting provider will automatically be on-hand to help with specific tasks that you may need assistance with. But which managed services should you be looking for from a managed VPS hosting provider? What are the key areas of your VPS hosting plan that you should expect your chosen host to take care of for you?
1. VPS hosting operating system installation and reinstallation
Installing an operating system when you first launch your virtual private server is a fairly delicate process, and if you change your mind about which VPS hosting operating system you require, reinstalling a new OS can be very difficult to achieve remotely. Managed VPS hosting often includes free OS installations from experienced professionals who understand the optimal installation settings for your server.
2. VPS hosting software updates for improved features and performance
Just like operating systems, all of the software you regularly use on your VPS hosting plan will be routinely improved and upgraded. When the latest incarnation of the core software you require for your VPS hosting to work correctly is released, it is only natural that you would want to start using this new version as soon as possible. With managed VPS hosting, your host can install new server software, or upgrade software on request.
3. VPS hosting with regularly upgraded security
With so many different threats facing your web presence, security is a vital element of your online success. However, to keep on top of the latest threats including malware and viruses, your VPS hosting plan will need to have access to the latest security patches and updates for your chosen operating system as well as for all of your core server software. As standard, managed VPS hosting plans include vital security upgrades, implemented automatically by your host.
4. Managed VPS hosting includes proactive server monitoring
Even armed with the very latest updates and security patches for your server, there remains a number of security threats that could put your web presence at risk. Disruptive and destructive methods such as a distributed denial of server (DDoS) attack rarely prey on a specific failing in your security software – instead, DDoS attacks overwhelm your entire server until it can no longer cope, and fails. Many managed VPS hosting solutions include proactive server monitoring, designed to identify the earliest warning signs of malicious attack, software misconfiguration, or hardware failure.
5. Managed VPS hosting with free administration, whatever you need
It is the goal of the best managed VPS hosting providers to offer managed services that cater for the most common requirements. Usually, managed VPS hosting covers every major aspect of server maintenance. However, there are inevitably some occasions when your requirements are more specific. For that reason, some managed VPS hosts are happy to give users a number of general administration hours, with 24/7/365 remote support able to carry out any tasks on your server. Each of these individual managed VPS hosting features removes some of the responsibility that you would usually have if you managed and monitored your own virtual private server. But what are the implications of managed VPS hosting on your success and your ability to do business online?
The benefits of a managed VPS hosting service
Managed VPS hosting lightens your workload by removing your responsibilities across three key areas – upgrades and installation, security, and monitoring. Imagine the number of hours you could spend in an average week checking for the latest Internet security news, finding appropriate software patches and upgrades to combat new threats, and installing these upgrades on your VPS hosting plan. Then consider how long this could take if you needed to learn new skills or techniques before you could even begin your installation. Managed VPS hosting could save you hundreds of man hours in just the first year of operation, translating to significant savings in financial terms. With your newly reclaimed time, it becomes possible to investigate the more interesting areas of VPS hosting, including initiatives to grow your online presence, attract new visitors, and generate more revenue. Managed VPS hosting gives you the chance to focus on what is most important: building a successful web presence.
Professionally managed VPS hosting from JaguarPC
As a specialty provider of VPS hosting services with free managed VPS hosting features, JaguarPC helps to reduce your workload and ensure the wellbeing of your virtual private server, at no extra charge. JaguarPC’s managed VPS hosting services include a number of tiered Windows VPS hosting and Linux VPS hosting plans to suit the size and ambition of your web presence. You can choose managed VPS hosting with 25GB disk space, 512MB RAM, and 3,000GB bandwidth, or prepare for future growth with an extensive 150GB, 3072MB, and 5,000GB deal. Whichever plan you select, you will also receive a generous allocation of burst RAM for those unpredictable times when traffic to your VPS spikes. All JaguarPC managed VPS hosting plans include 24/7/365 technical support, along with a 30-day money-back guarantee as standard. To learn more about managed VPS hosting services from JaguarPC, call 1-888-338-5261 or visit today.