When accessing log folder for a HELM domain via FTP user receives "Access Denied"

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Hey everyone,

Problem :

When a user attempts to access their log folder of a domain which uses MSFTP as the FTP server they receive an access denied error message.


MSFTP uses Windows NT users for user permissions. It is the permissions provided to the NT user that allow or restrict access to the Windows file system. For a user to be able to access a folder NT FTP account needs the appropriate permissions. By default this account is domain.com

However a new security “enhancement” of Windows 2003 is to remove inheritance for log folders such as W3SVC folders. As this folder is created without inheritance the domain.com NT user is not given the correct permissions on this folder, thereby restricting access via FTP.


The server administrator can add the relevant permissions to the W3SVC folder however IIS may revert the permissions to as they were previously whenever a new log file is created.

The other solution is to use a non NT reliant FTP server such as Gene6 or Serv-U (Both of which are supported by HELM).

Best Regards,
Shane Bewick

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