Here it is the day before April Fools and we are not joking about backing up your data. Backups are no joking matter and as data gets bigger and more important, it is more critical than ever that you keep redundant copies in order to protect data. Your personal, e-commerce site or even that blog you have devoted the past five year to can be as important as a small to mid-size business that is your livelihood.
World Backup Day was first introduced in March 2012 and most people have never heard of it. The day was created to inspire those who have data to take regular backups. Data loss is never predictable. It strikes without notice due to natural disasters, like those seen with hurricane Sandy, as well as viruses or a sudden mechanical failure. Any of these events can leave you at a complete loss when you need to get you information back online and fast.
If you have data then you will want to perform regular backups to ensure that if your data is lost you have a copy from which to restore it. Individuals who run blogs or forums as well as, small and medium-sized businesses should have a data protection plan in place along with at least two copies of current backups in order to ensure the safety of your data.
The best way to make sure that you don’t suffer a huge digital data loss is to backup your backup. Redundant online copies are one of the best sources of protection. If you keep online copies you don’t have to worry about losing or breaking a physical drive. It is also unlikely that an online service would lose your data and there are plenty of services that let you backup all of your data via the internet.
Play it extra safe and keep multiple copies as a solid backup plan. While JaguarPC does offer daily free backups it should not be the only source for a backup. Multiple options exist for you to backup your data via cPanel, store your data in a cloud or try JaguarPC’s datalockbox services.
Don’t put off backing up your data today because you never know what calamity could strike tomorrow. If you don’t ‘have a backup and disaster recovery plan in place then we can help. Contact our [email protected] today to learn how we can help you store and protect your data.