Are You Combining Professional Web Hosting with Social Media?

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Did you know that 43% of all online consumers are now fans or followers of a brand on social media? Did you know that customers are looking to connect with the businesses they like through Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter? Are you doing everything you can to leverage the power of social media to build your business online?

Having a professional web hosting service is a great start, but social media represents the single biggest marketing platform in the world. At no cost, social media can be used to attract new customers to your business, and more importantly, build trust with the customers you already have. That means more customers and more revenue from each of them.

Why is social media such a vital addition to your web hosting plan? What can social media do that your website cannot already offer? And how can you integrate social media with your website to create a unified online brand?

Create viral content with social media

Some people look at the growth of the Internet and the advent of the smartphone generation and assume that consumers have ever-decreasing attention spans. To the contrary, social media proves that customers still have the attention span it takes to invest in reading. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are all places where people essentially go to read things.

The same idea translates to the rest of the Internet. When a visitor finds your website, they are looking for great and well written content on a specific subject. If you provide this content, you can then use social media to attract potential readers.

If you are not cross-posting everything you publish to social media, you are missing a fantastic opportunity to spread the word about your content. Best of all, this is an opportunity to make your content viral. A single tweet can be retweeted by just a few followers, but as their followers retweet, your link can quickly make its way around the Web.

Use social media with your web hosting for customer support

Intelligent businesses that understand the marketing and content-sharing potential of social media can attract new customers and win new business. Of course, the other side of any successful social media presence is actually being social.

Although your customers may be able to ask questions over the phone, by email, or via your website, social media allows you to engage in a much bigger conversation.

Imagine a situation where one of your loyal customers needs help. They email you their question, but it takes a few hours – maybe even a few days – for you to find it in your inbox and offer a response.

If the customer asks their question on social media, the entire community that surrounds your brand can provide an answer before you even get online. If not, you can easily forward them to the correct resource. Finally, social media offers a way to broadcast messages to lots of customers at once. For example, if you have a known issue with a product, you can take the proactive step of alerting customers before they even notice the issue themselves.

Your competitors are using social media to share their content, support their customers, and be part of an industry-wide conversation. Make sure you are too.

Integrate social media with your web hosting plan from JaguarPC

At JaguarPC, we know that finding success online is not just about what you do with your web hosting plan, but also what you do with social media.

To help you, we offer video guides on using Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to connect with your customers. These video guides tell you how to perform a wide range of common social media tasks and show you how it is done with screen recordings and voice instruction.

Customers can also integrate social media with their websites, using the Facebook Fans Box, Recent Tweets, and social media sharing buttons. The source code for these features is available on the Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn websites respectively, but can also be added to a content management system such as WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. These systems can be installed in just one click using our free Softaculous script installer.

Across shared web hosting, virtual private server hosting (VPS hosting), and dedicated servers, every JaguarPC web hosting plan is social media-ready, with the ability to add a Facebook Fans Box, a Recent Tweets panel, and social sharing buttons. We are also available to help customers integrate their social media via email, 24/7/365 phone support, or our Facebook page.

For more information on web hosting services from JaguarPC, call 1-888-338-5261 or visit today.

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