Don’t Miss Out on your Chance to Win an iPad2

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December 1st is getting closer and with it the much anticipated drawing for our November affiliate giveaway. We are pleased to announce that our loyal affiliates have been working hard to spread the word about JaguarPC’s services. As a result, new clients have joined the JaguarPC family since the beginning of the campaign.

It seems that the prospect of winning a sleek iPad 2 32GB has really motivated you. And why wouldn’t you feel motivated? The iPad 2 is an awesome gadget and the hottest piece of technology at the moment. Plus, each new referral means up to $110 that goes straight into your pocket. All you need to do is recommend JaguarPC’s services to your friends, family, or colleagues. Or, if you have a website, post an attractive affiliate banner and start sending visitors to our website. Each new client brings you a cash payout and an extra chance to become the owner of a new iPad 2.

If you haven’t started yet or if you are having trouble making successful referrals, now is the time to step up your game. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of creative methods of getting new clients. Just use your imagination and let our excellent shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated services do the talking.

1. Blog and forum comments

If you spend a lot of time commenting on blogs and forums, there’s an easy way to get something out of it. Many blogs and forums allow you to add signatures to your posts, which can contain links or even graphics. Add to your signature the affiliate links that we provide, and before you know it, you might get your first referral.

2. Newsletters

Do you run an online community? Are you a member of an Internet group? Leverage the power of your community to increase your chances to win an iPad 2 with our affiliate marketing program. Let your friends know about the hosting services provided by JaguarPC by adding a short blurb to your newsletter. It’s an easy way to reach out to people that may be interested in getting a web hosting account.

3. Pitch your clients

If you work in a field related to web hosting, such as web design or Internet marketing, there’s a simple way to get new referrals. Simply recommend JaguarPC’s services to your clients. There are plenty of customers that are undecided about their web hosting provider. Why not direct them to JaguarPC? It’s a win-win situation – they get an excellent web hosting provider and you get a nice payout plus a better shot at the iPad 2 on December 1.

These are just three tips that you can apply to boost your affiliate performance. There are many other creative ideas that can bring you handsome rewards from JaguarPC. Just put your imagination to work and you will definitely find new ways to reach prospective hosting customers.

Act now to enter one of the best hosting affiliate programs

With payouts ranging from $65 to $110 per referral, JaguarPC offers one of the highest paying affiliate programs in the industry. When compared to other hosting affiliate programs, you get a handsome reward regardless of what type of service you refer. And you benefit from an incredible 90-day referral period. Combined with the uncompromised quality of JaguarPC’s hosting services, the extensive referral period ensures top conversion rates, which translates to more money in your pocket.

On December 1st, you can be the lucky JaguarPC affiliate that takes home a new iPad 2 32 GB. All you need to do is make a referral and you automatically become eligible for our grand prize. It’s not too late to enter the competition, but you have to hurry – the December 1st drawing is getting closer!

To learn more about JaguarPC’s free affiliate program or to become an affiliate, visit today.

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