Unlimited Options With Unlimited cPanel Web Hosting

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For people who like to control the features of their websites without going through a web host for updates and changes, cPanel hosting is a great option. With cPanel hosting, you can add sub-domains, new IP addresses, e-mail accounts, and install scripts at any time through the web-based control panel. For new businesses that want to test out new applications, cPanel website hosting is a great way to build a custom website exactly suited to your needs.

Choosing the best cPanel hosting provider

cPanel web hosting features let you have control of your website, but the outcome is still only as good as the hosting environment. JaguarPC’s data centers have redundant Internet connections, endless disk space, and unlimited bandwidth – with a money back uptime guarantee. JaguarPC gives you the foundation you need to build a powerful website with the speed and customized features you want – all at an affordable price.

What does cPanel website hosting do for you?

When you get web hosting with cPanel, you get immediate access to administer your website, modify it, and create new features, without having to go through your hosting provider for the changes. You also get a webmail panel, which together with the web access panel gives you complete control over your website. But an extremely important factor to consider is the cPanel web hosting provider’s technical support. JaguarPC has 24-7-365 support available, and our staff is eager to go to all lengths to give you complete answers and guidance for every situation.

Getting started with cPanel web hosting

Your unlimited cPanel hosting at JaguarPC will be activated within minutes of purchasing the plan so you can get started right away. You may also want to take a few minutes and watch the cPanel tutorial on our website to familiarize yourself cPanel. And you can look up cPanel questions and answers in the JaguarPC Support Center Knowledgebase.

Also note that if you have more than one website, you can manage them all with a JaguarPC’s cPanel website hosting account. When your business or personal website is ready for new features to be incorporated into your website, web hosting with cPanel gives you the access to take your website to the next level.

To learn more about cPanel hosting, contact a JaguarPC representative 24 hours a day.

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