The Pros & Cons of Shared, Cloud & Dedicated Hosting

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There are various types of hosting plans available to growing businesses and startups. Shared, cloud, and dedicated hosting are some commonly chosen forms of hosting that provide their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. Whether you’d benefit from hosting via shared, cloud, or dedicated servers depends on the level of Shared, Cloud and Dedicated Server Differences your need for flexibility, affordability, and security. Also, it’s important to consider the rate at which your business is growing, and which solution will provide the best uptime.

Shared Server Hosting
Shared hosting is a commonly chosen plan, as it allows small startups to establish themselves. Hosting companies divide server resources into equal shares, giving clients a certain number of resources to work with. For companies that are just starting out, shared hosting is an excellent way to gain customers and build an online presence. However, as your business amplifies and the traffic to your website becomes heavier, a shared hosting plan will likely lead to downtimes and customer dissatisfaction. Additionally, you may run into problems with your provider if your operations take up too many of the server’s resources.

Cloud Solutions
True cloud hosting solutions are especially advantageous for small to medium businesses, and provide an assortment of perks. With a cloud solution, businesses’ applications, software, and data are supported by multiple servers, rather than just one. Because information is stored in the cloud, it can be accessed from anywhere through multiple devices. The resources you use are entirely up to you; however, not keeping track can be risky if you’re on a strict budget. Public cloud hosting can also present security risks if appropriate measures aren’t taken to protect critical data.

Dedicated Resources
When you need to lease an entire server on which to manage your business’s operations, dedicated hosting is the plan for you. With a dedicated hosting plan, users are free to do virtually anything they wish, as they’re not expected to stay within a certain ballpark of resources to conserve space on the server for other users. One of the downsides of hosting on dedicated servers, however, is the price tag. Dedicated server hosting is the most expensive form of hosting, and is generally best suited for more established companies that need high levels of scalability and data protection.

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